Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Begeinning of Lysistrata

I find the beginning of Lysistrata quite humorous along with the rest of the play. The discussion of war, is not something that females in Greece are accustomed to. Lysistrata admits that if she had called for an orgy or festival for the god Dionysis, the women would have filled the streets with tambourines in tow. This line is quite amusing because it has a touch of sexual humor. The housebound woman that disgusts Lysistrata , is her next-door neighbor, Kleonike. As Kleonike sympathetically explains to Lysistrata, most of the women are probably off waking the maids or tending to children not really paying any attention to Lysistrata plan at all. Lysistrata is not only angered because the women won't discuss war and the peace of their country, but she is ashamed that the women won't stand up to the stereotypes and names that their husband's give them.

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